Saturday, December 31, 2011

I could be more than a little blog challenged...

A blog seemed like a great thing to do (notice the past tense).  I am so frustrated!  A seemingly impossible mission... to get some good ideas for my own blog and searching from some interesting information... I'm merely TRYING to find a few good blogs to follow.  On anything really... canaries, organic gardening, crafting, biology, birding, nature, local foods...  

Search as I may, I can't find them.  I did find one that I thought would be interesting but it turned out to be not so interesting... more like the insulting ramblings of a conspiracy theorist about how the food industry is filling our food with wood pulp (cause it's cheap & the food industry can).  Good to know, BUT I don't want to be insulted when I'm reading a blog... I want to learn something or at least have my little mind stimulated (not that I'm saying the food industry is not corrupt or that they are not filling our food with wood pulp, BUT maybe instead of insulting the blogger could offer some suggestions for what to look for on labels or who to contact to get something done, I don't know call me silly).

A few other blogs I found seemed interesting BUT then I realized their most recent post was several years ago.  HELP!  What am I missing here?  Maybe I'm cursed cause I said it was something I was going to do for the New Year.  Suggestions, anyone?!?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My very first try at a blog...

Hello There!

As the title suggests, this is the first time I have tried to blog.  I am completely new to the blogging world.  It's not that I'm technologically challenged or even internet challenged... I think I'm pretty fluent using both but for whatever reason I've never followed a blog and I've never written a blog.  

As the New Year approaches... APPROACHES QUICKLY... I've been thinking that there are many things that I use and do in my daily life out of nothing but pure habit.  I feel like it's time to reconsider these things, educate myself and decide if I should continue what I am doing, make a few changes or make all sorts of changes!  

I guess you could consider it a journey for a more meaningful, thoughtful, enlightened existence (sounds a bit dramatic but I'll go with it)!?!  Also, I've been thinking about this for weeks, even months, and I keep coming back to the same thought...  it's not possible that I am the only person thinking about these things!  So, why not put it out there?  I'll share the experience using a blog.  This way other people who have similar thoughts and questions can search online to find that they are not the only ones on the same proverbial page.  

Hmmm, how else can I explain this?!?  I'm not sure there is any good way, I'll just do it and blog about it one step at a time.  Sounds mysterious!  Have I caught anyones attention?  I'd love to hear from you, drop me a note and stay tuned!